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Glorifying God in our Daily Lives, Part 2

Guest: Paul Blair

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Dr. James Dobson

Dr. James Dobson
Dr. James Dobson is the Founder Chairman of the James Dobson Family Institute. He has an earned Ph.D. from the University of Southern California and holds 18 honorary doctoral degrees.

June 3, 2022

How to Raise a Brat

The late Dr. Benjamin Spock, who wrote the perennial best seller, Dr. Spocks Baby and Child Care, was severely criticized for his laissez-faire approach to child-rearing.

May 3, 2022

What is Better Than Being a Mom?

Question: Dr. Dobson, what answer do you have for those who say being a mother of small children and a homemaker is boring?

April 4, 2022

Admit It When You're Wrong

It is very difficult for parents to ask their children for forgiveness. They feel that it somehow damages their authority to admit they have done wrong and promise to do better next time.

February 1, 2022

What's Your "Argument Cycle"?

Are your disagreements with your spouse productive? Are you both able to be heard and understood, and work together for a solution that benefits the 'us' of your marriage? Or do your ...

November 17, 2021

Words of Encouragement for Moms

Many wonderful emotions accompany the exhilarating privilege of bringing a baby into the world and then watching that little tyke begin to grow and learn and develop. How well I remember ...

October 20, 2021

Special Bonding in Marriage

What are the mysterious ingredients that almost all good marriages have in common? What accounts for the marvelous blending of personalities when two separate and distinct individuals ...

September 30, 2021

How to Complain So Your Spouse Will Listen

Why won't your husband listen to the good advice nestled in your complaints? If only he could value the 'suggestion box' you set up for him and read the 'complaints' you regularly deposit. ...

April 14, 2021

Marriage is a Marathon

During my freshman year I entered the mile run in a field of about twenty men. I was in good shape and finished second to an outstanding senior who rarely lost. He graduated that year and ...