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Colleges in Chaos: The Consequences of Abandoning Truth, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Everett Piper


August 02, 2021

Yelp Gives Thumbs Down For Religious Liberty

Yelp is a large business review website and app that wields powerful influence.

Unfortunately, the giant company is using its influence to actively oppose religious liberty and conservative values.

A recent article on ChristianPost.com notes just a few of the examples of Yelp's "anti-Christian-conservative activism":

1. They endorsed the Equality Act.
2. They joined a campaign waged by the Human Rights Council (a radical anti-religious liberty organization) opposing state bills that restrict cross-sex sports participation and gender reassignment procedures for minors.
3. Their CEO, Jeremy Stoppelman, publicly opposed religious liberty bills in Mississippi, Indiana, and North Carolina.
4. They donated to the SPLC, a partisan left-wing organization.
5. They signed an amicus brief calling on the Supreme Court to rule against religious liberty in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission.
6. They matched gifts to Planned Parenthood.

YELP doesn't provide contact information on their website, but you can still get their attention. Share this story on social media and let the corporate giant know that their outrageous corporate advocacy gets a 1-star review!

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