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Guest: Dave Ramsey

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Let the Buyer Beware - Part 2

Guest: Dave Ramsey

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Guest: Victor and Eileen Marx


May 29, 2024

WHO’s Power Grab Blocked for Now

First, the good news. The World Health Organization (WHO) hit a number of roadblocks in its frantic rush to create a global pandemic treaty. It appears that the WHO failed in its initial attempt to draft such a far-reaching treaty at the 77th World Health Assembly, which is now meeting in Geneva, Switzerland. 
There has been a grassroots uprising in the United States and worldwide against this latest U.N. power grab. Many nations are objecting to left-wing buzzwords in the text like “advancing gender equity,” “advancing gender mainstreaming,” and “sexual and reproductive health,” which are packed full of pro-abortion and radical LGBTQ ideology. Several nations also raised serious objections over threats to their national sovereignty. 
All 49 Republican senators recently sent a letter to the White House warning President Biden that any agreement of this magnitude should be considered a treaty under Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution. Ratifying the WHO pandemic treaty would require a two-thirds vote of the Senate to make it a binding law.
In addition, 24 Republican governors expressed their opposition to the WHO pandemic treaty, warning that it “empowers the WHO. . . with the authority to restrict the rights of U.S. citizens.”
A coalition of 22 Republican state attorneys general also publicly opposed the WHO treaty, not only due to threats to our civil liberties but also because of the “fundamental flaws with the WHO.” One of those flaws that was exposed during the COVID pandemic is the fact that the World Health Organization is effectively controlled by communist China. The WHO parroted Chinese propaganda and provided cover for Beijing’s culpability.
Former Congresswoman and JDFI Board Member Michele Bachmann called these unexpected developments “a victory.” Bachmann added that the “negotiations collapsed on the pandemic accord” and “there is a huge level of disappointment” at the World Health Assembly, which means there is a lot for those of us who cherish faith, family, and freedom to celebrate. 
However, Bachmann also warned that the globalists are not giving up. There are ongoing efforts to revive the treaty sometime in the near future. If they succeed, former President Donald Trump has vowed to “rip up and throw out” any WHO agreement “on day one of the Trump administration.”
JDFI will remain vigilant. We will continue to defend our rights and sovereignty from unelected international bureaucrats, and we will keep you informed as future developments unfold.

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