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A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

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A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 1

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

Being a Smart Stepmom, Part 3

Guest: Laura Petherbridge


August 25, 2023

Who Will Defend American History?

On April 18, 1775, American patriots were alerted by couriers, including famously Paul Revere, that British troops were headed their way. Citizen volunteers and militia, known as the Minutemen, headed to Concord Bridge to stop them. There, the “shot heard round the world” happened as British soldiers and American patriots clashed at the bridge. The American Revolution was underway and it culminated in the creation of this great nation built on the revolutionary idea that liberty comes from the God of the Bible, not a king, a congress or a president. 
The story of the Minutemen was taught in American schools for over 200 years. Monuments were erected. Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote a famous “ode,” which was sung at the dedication of the monument in Concord, Massachusetts. 
But today, as neo-Marxists and radical secularists have grown in power and influence, America’s history and our heroes are intentionally being erased.
Here’s a recent example. In Concord, California, named by its founders in honor of Concord, Massachusetts, the local high school’s mascot is a Minuteman. The freedom fighter is pictured in colonial garb carrying a musket which was widely used at the time. The school board just voted 4 to 1 to eliminate the Minuteman and replace him with a bear. 
The proponents of the switch argued that seeing a musket was “triggering” to some children. They also claimed that having a man, any man, as the symbol of the school was not “gender inclusive.” Others pointed out that a large number of the students were Hispanic and the Minuteman symbol does not mean anything to them. The last excuse is certainly true, but it is an argument for teaching our children, including native born and immigrants, more U.S. history, not less.
The stupidity of the Concord, California, school board could be ignored if it was an isolated incident. Sadly, it isn’t. All over the country, schools with names such as Columbus, Washington, Jefferson and Lee are being attacked as irrelevant or evil.
Coupled with this trend is a deceptive campaign to remove the major role that Christianity and Christians played in the founding of America. There is a concerted campaign of attack against the Bill of Rights, including the freedom of religion and the freedom of speech. The key idea of our founding, that the author of liberty is God, is rejected by American elites who increasingly reject the Bible and mock religion. 
Radical secularists and neo-Marxists are on the march. JDFI is working to create a new cadre of Christian Minutemen prepared to win the battle of ideas for the hearts and souls of America’s children and the future of our nation. 

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