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A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

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A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 1

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

Being a Smart Stepmom, Part 3

Guest: Laura Petherbridge


March 29, 2024

We Are Winning

While many politicians would prefer to avoid it, there is no denying the raging culture war in America today. From abortion to pornography in public libraries and open borders versus secure borders, there is a growing divide in America on issues where compromise is difficult, if not impossible.

One of the "hot button" issues dividing Americans is the meaning of sex and gender. One side believes there is only male and female, and society should be ordered around that binary dynamic. That view is supported by science and has prevailed throughout all recorded history.

The other side believes that we are "assigned" a gender at birth by doctors or parents, and gender is fluid and can change anytime at any age.

This is a debate that was unimaginable 10 years ago. It seemingly came out of nowhere.

But it is the direct result of the redefinition of marriage by judicial fiat. Once society was unable to define what marriage is, who's to say what gender is? In fact, we now have a Supreme Court justice who could not define what a woman is, and increasing numbers of people seem just as confused.

These confused individuals are making public policy demands and attempting to impose their "values" on the rest of society.

They are telling us that boys can become girls and should be allowed to play on girls' sports teams and use girls' locker rooms. They are telling us that men can get "pregnant" and should be allowed to use women's restrooms.

They are insisting that our tax dollars should subsidize sterilizing drugs and mutilating surgeries for anyone, including children. They are even trying to force us to accept that our children can change their gender in school, and if we don't "affirm" a child's delusions, we are unfit to be adoptive or foster parents and may be charged with "child abuse."

This is insane!

Now, here's the good news. While those arguing for gender insanity are the loudest and most shrill voices in this debate, our side is actually winning.

A recent survey by respected pollster Scott Rasmussen found that 64% of voters say schools should tell parents if their child changes his or her gender or pronouns at school, while 68% say school officials should respect parents' views.

Asked if insurance companies should be forced to pay for transgender procedures for children, 68% of voters said, "No."

Sixty-three percent said that men who "identify" as women should not be allowed to share space with women who are victims of sexual violence or domestic abuse, and 56% felt that allowing men into women's shelters further traumatizes the female victims.

Clearly, the vast majority of Americans reject transgender insanity and don't want our children indoctrinated with wild theories about gender. We are winning this debate and should insist that elected officials who want our votes act accordingly.

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