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Women and Friendships, Part 2

Guest: Dee Brestin

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March 02, 2023

Voters Rejecting Trans Insanity

Here's some good news. In spite of non-stop media propaganda, American voters want to protect children from so-called "gender-affirming" surgeries and drugs. According to a Rasmussen poll, 58% of likely voters approve of "legislation making it illegal to perform sex-change surgery on minors."

Three cheers for common sense. Our society correctly does not allow children to get tattoos. Nor should children be able to "choose" their gender and receive deforming medical treatments. We understand that kids don't have the legal and moral "agency" to make these life-changing decisions.

Interestingly, there is apparently a partisan divide on the issue as there is on so many public policy questions. Republicans (72%) and Independents (61%) oppose these radical surgeries. But less than half of Democrats (45%) oppose them.

On the question of banning hormone replacement therapy on children, 53% of the public support a ban, while 35% oppose banning it. Broken down by political party, 63% of Republicans would block hormone treatments on children, as would 54% of Independents, but only 41% of Democrats.

In short, politicians have no excuse to fail to act. The public overwhelmingly wants our children protected from extreme trans surgery and drug treatments.

Is radical trans ideology being pushed in your local schools? If so, let us know!

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