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The Fight for Female, Part 1

Guest: Lisa Bevere

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March 04, 2024

Vive Death!

France, sadly, made history today when members of both houses of parliament met in a joint session and voted 780-72 to enshrine a right to abortion in that nation's constitution. Abortion, up to 14 weeks, has been legal in France for years, but French President Macron said he wanted to make the freedom to have an abortion "irreversible by inscribing it in the constitution."

Beyond the depravity of the decision to enshrine constitutionally the murdering of innocent lives, the blatant irony is that France needs more babies, not fewer. In 2023, France had the lowest number of births since Nazi Germany occupied it in World War II. Births are now down 20% since peaking in 2020.

All across Europe, nations are choosing death over life. The birth rate in multiple European countries is below replacement levels, meaning some nations will effectively cease to exist. France has now joined the march toward national European suicide.

Just two months ago, Macron said, "France will only be stronger if it revives the birth rate." Today, he killed the likelihood of that happening and doomed his country's future.

Please pray for the people of France and its leaders that they may come to know the One who came to give life and not take it—Jesus Christ.

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