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Colleges in Chaos: The Consequences of Abandoning Truth, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Everett Piper


May 26, 2021

USA Today Claims Promise Keepers Promotes Hate

Earlier this month, race and inequality sports editor Mike Freeman wrote an opinion editorial for USA Today, arguing that AT&T Stadium in Texas should cancel an upcoming Promise Keeper's conference.

Why? Because allowing the Christian group to hold its event would "mainstream hate speech."

Freeman pointed to comments by Promise Keepers CEO Ken Harrison, who said, "Christian men are not standing up for what's right," and pointed to same-sex marriage and transgenderism as examples of the issues facing our society.

In other words, expressing biblical beliefs about marriage and human sexuality is now "hate speech." This opinion shouldn't surprise you, but it should alarm you.

Promise Keepers was founded more than 30 years ago by former football coach Bill McCartney. The group exists to encourage men to live with integrity as they fulfill their God-ordained roles as loving husbands and fathers. The ministry has positively impacted millions of lives.

Our culture is determined to cancel the biblical truth and we need to be equally committed to protecting and speaking the truth. Contact the AT&T Stadium today and tell them to take a stand against cancel culture and allow the Promise Keepers' event to take place.

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