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Guest: Dave Ramsey

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Guest: Dave Ramsey

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June 03, 2024

The Left's Threat To Democracy

Dr. James Dobson and I, as well as the whole team at JDFI, are committed to Faith, Family, and Freedom. Like millions of Americans, we are heartbroken that so many people in our country today don't put the same emphasis on those values, particularly when it comes to love for our country. As we are all aware, our schools in many parts of the country, from elementary schools to universities, are often teaching anti-American history.

The hostility to our traditions and history is particularly pronounced on the misnamed "progressive left." A day doesn't go by without a progressive demonstrating his or her disdain for America. But even many so-called "mainstream liberals" are infected with the same anti-Americanism.

A controversy erupted recently over an "Appeal to Heaven" flag that Justice Samuel Alito flew outside his beach house last year. Many people aren't even aware of the flag, but it was one of the early competitors for what would later become the American flag. It was flown on the first set of ships commissioned by George Washington during the Revolutionary War. (Learn more about the history of an "Appeal to Heaven" flag.)

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who represents the Bronx and surrounding areas in Congress, jumped on the controversy over this flag. She suggested that Justice Alito was a "threat to democracy," and demanded that he recuse himself from upcoming cases involving former President Donald Trump. But it's not just her.

Key senators such as Illinois's Richard Durbin, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island are making the same demand. The reason they cite is that someone held up an "Appeal to Heaven" flag at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. This is insane!

There were many people at the Capitol that day with the Stars and Stripes. So, is anyone who flies the Stars and Stripes now a "white nationalist" and a "threat to democracy"? It makes no sense. But there is a very dangerous motivation behind all this, and it affects Faith, Family, and Freedom.

Leftists in America want to destroy the conservative majority on the Supreme Court because that majority is thwarting their attempts to undermine religious liberty, freedom of speech, and the Second Amendment right to bear arms. They are furious that their efforts to rebuild America on socialist, neo-Marxist ideas are being interrupted. These are just the facts.

So, they are aggressively trying to shrink the number of justices on the Supreme Court right now by making the most stalwart defenders of our liberty, such as Justices Alito and Thomas, recuse themselves from important cases. And many leftists have made it clear that if they win solid majorities after the November elections, they will attempt to expand the number of justices on the Supreme Court and fill those seats with far-left activists, such as Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, who doesn't know what a woman is.

That's another important reason for all men and women of faith to vote this November.

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