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Colleges in Chaos: The Consequences of Abandoning Truth, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Everett Piper


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December 15, 2023

Moral Cowards In Academia

The clueless testimony presented by the presidents of three elite American universities before the House Education and the Workforce Committee has ignited a national firestorm. The hearing dealt with ...

November 17, 2023

The Transgender Juggernaut

How did transgender ideology, a doctrine at war with God's natural order and creation itself, become, seemingly overnight, a powerful force in America? Christopher F. Rufo, perhaps the leading ...

November 15, 2023

Save Our Daughters!

Someday, when the history books are written, there will be shock and dismay at how so many American elites put women and girls in danger. In the name of transgender rights, our daughters and sisters ...

October 04, 2023

California Governor Newsom Disappoints Trans Lobby

California recently passed an outrageous bill that would require judges in child custody cases to take into consideration whether a parent affirmed a child's gender identity. For example, under this ...

August 09, 2023

100% Failure Rate For “Trans-surgery”

There were dramatic hearings on Capitol Hill on so-called, "gender-affirming care" for children. One witness, Chloe Cole, made a dramatic plea to members of Congress to save young women like herself, ...

July 26, 2023

Faith-Based School Prevails

Religious liberty just prevailed in another American court case. A three-judge panel for the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled unanimously that a Catholic high school could legally refuse to ...

July 19, 2023

Sound of Freedom

The compelling drama, Sound of Freedom, is rocking at the movie box office. It opened on July 4th, and in its opening week has brought in $40 million dollars. More importantly, it is raising ...

June 16, 2023

The Left Smears Moms & Dads

American moms and dads who are concerned about their children's education are under fire by a powerful well-funded leftist organization. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) just put major parental ...