Once again, the radical left is assaulting men and women of faith and the commonsense values of the American people. As we have reported to you, the Biden administration is rewriting federal ...
Once again, the radical left is assaulting men and women of faith and the commonsense values of the American people. As we have reported to you, the Biden administration is rewriting federal ...
On May 16th, a seven-foot statue of Reverend Billy Graham was unveiled in the U.S. Capitol. The base of the statue is engraved with the verse John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his ...
Do you think it was a surprise to God that you were born in America, or have had the good fortune of legally immigrating to America? Of course, He wasn't surprised. In fact, the Lord chose to give ...
Our friend, Eric Metaxas, is quickly becoming a modern Paul Revere for the American Church. On the heels of his 2022 book, Letter to the American Church, which described the disturbing similarities ...
Every day's screaming headlines of crime, corruption and hatred remind us of the desperate need for America to turn back to God and pray for His mercy and protection. But according to the Washington ...
MSNBC is so far left-wing that it is virtually impossible for anyone with an open mind to watch it. Nearly every commentator and "reporter" on the network has promoted an explicitly LGBTQ+ ...
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) just issued new guidelines mandating that employers use so-called "preferred pronouns" and allow employees to use whatever bathroom they feel like ...
American Jewish students must be wondering if some warped time machine has transported them from modern America back to pre-war Germany. In 1930's Germany, as Nazism began to infect the populace, ...