Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) late last night filed a notice that he intends to bring up the (Dis)Respect Marriage Act for a vote on the Senate floor as early as Wednesday. The ...
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) late last night filed a notice that he intends to bring up the (Dis)Respect Marriage Act for a vote on the Senate floor as early as Wednesday. The ...
Moral and cultural relativism has been a powerful theme in American education for several generations. A new study by Summit Ministries in partnership with respected polling firm, McLaughlin and ...
Why is one of the largest, most influential banks in America "cancelling" a religious liberty group? The National Committee for Religious Freedom (NCRF) is a non-partisan, faith-based, non-profit ...
A Catholic church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, was attacked late last week. It made little news. As students at Holy Family Classical School were having class pictures taken outside the church, a man ...
Dutch evangelical Anne van der Bijl, better known as 'Brother Andrew," has passed away at the age of 94. Brother Andrew was given a Bible, which he read as he was recovering from wounds he received ...
The investigative journalists at the Daily Wire just uncovered a scandal at Vanderbilt University Medical Center that shocks the conscience. The Center has made a major commitment to ...
In yet another win for religious liberty on Monday, June 27, the Supreme Court issued a 6-3 ruling that former Bremerton, Washington High School assistant football coach Joseph Kennedy was exercising ...
Religious liberty just won a victory at the Supreme Court! This is a good day for the religious freedom guaranteed in our Bill of Rights, and also a win for the cause of educational choice. This ...