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Cleaning House: Raising Responsible Kids

Guest: Kay Wills Wyma


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September 24, 2020

Dr. James Dobson Applauds Trump Administration's Commitment to Uphold the Sanctity of Life

September 24, 2020 — "In many states throughout this nation, precious babies may survive attempted abortions only to be left to die alone on porcelain tables. It's hard to imagine a more ...

August 18, 2020

Dr. James Dobson Applauds Peace Deal Between Israel and the United Arab Emirates

August 18, 2020 — "On Thursday, President Trump announced that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed of the United Arab Emirates had agreed to finalize a ...

July 27, 2020

Dr. James Dobson Blasts U.S. Supreme Court Ruling That Denies Religious Freedom

July 27, 2020 — Do casinos have more freedom than churches? Five members of the U.S. Supreme Court apparently think they do! On Friday, the Court's liberal bloc ruled against religious freedom, ...

July 16, 2020

The Supreme Courts Ruling In Bostock Signals Difficult Days Ahead

July 16, 2020 — I write this with a heavy heart for our country. The reason for my grave concern is the recent egregious Supreme Court ruling in Bostock v. Clayton County. This appalling legal decree ...

July 08, 2020

Dr. James Dobson Celebrates Another U.S. Supreme Court Ruling That Protects Religious Freedom

July 8, 2020 — The Little Sisters of the Poor, a Catholic order of nuns who care for the poor and elderly, are finally free to live and work in accordance with their faith! For the better part of a ...

June 29, 2020

Dr. James Dobson Calls Out the Supreme Court's Decision that Prioritizes Abortion Over the Health of Women

June 29, 2020 — The U.S. Supreme Court blundered again! In a disturbing decision released this morning, five justices struck down a Louisiana law that offered the most basic of health protections for ...

May 27, 2020

Dr. James Dobson Calls on Americans to Contact Legislators and Demand a Stop to Planned Parenthood's Fraud

May 27, 2020 — "On May 19, the headline read: 'Planned Parenthood affiliates improperly applied for and received $80 million in coronavirus stimulus funds.' This is outrageous, and it shows Planned ...

May 22, 2020

President Trump Declares Churches and Houses of Worship as Essential

May 22, 2020 — As reported by Fox News: President Trump on Friday announced that new CDC guidance will classify houses of worship as "essential," as he called on governors to allow them to open ...