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Cleaning House: Raising Responsible Kids

Guest: Kay Wills Wyma


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March 30, 2021

California Takes Aim at Conservative Beliefs

New legislation in California lays the groundwork for the radical left to expel men and women with conservative beliefs from the police force. With a cleverly worded title, the California Law ...

March 30, 2021

Pushback Against the Misnamed "Equality Act" Continues

Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives voted to advance the so-called "Equality Act" to the U.S. Senate. But absent the radical step of abolishing the filibuster—which President Joe Biden has ...

March 26, 2021

President Biden offers lies, threats, and disunity in first press conference

March 26, 2021 — President Joe Biden gave his first press conference yesterday. “Press conference” is an inadequate description of what took place, which was nearly an hour of misrepresentations and ...

April 24, 2020

Dr. James Dobson Rejects the Use of Aborted Babies for Medical Science

Abortionists and certain liberal government officials will not stop pushing their wicked agenda, even in the midst of a global pandemic! In one of the most horrific news stories in recent years, ...

December 20, 2019

Dr. James Dobson issued today the following statement, as a private citizen, to the Christian community

"I have read a new editorial published by Christianity Today that promotes impeachment of President Donald Trump. The editors didn't tell us who should take his place in the aftermath. Maybe the ...

October 25, 2019

Dr. James Dobson Condemns Abuse of Impeachment Inquiry to ‘Score Political Points,’ Calls on Politicians to ‘Seek the Good of the Nation’

October 25, 2019 — Dr. James Dobson, president and founder of the James Dobson Family Institute, issues the following statement in response to the cynical use of the impeachment inquiry by certain ...