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An Immigrant’s Journey of Faith and Freedom to America - Part 1

Guest: Cornel Potra

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An Immigrant’s Journey of Faith and Freedom to America - Part 1

Guest: Cornel Potra

Overcoming Alcoholism

Guest: Bob and Pauline Bartosch

A Pilot's Close Call on 9/11 - Part 2

Guest: Dr. Steve and Megan Scheibner


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March 16, 2021

Dr. James Dobson Urges Senators to Vote "No" on Xavier Becerra

March 16, 2021 — Tomorrow, the Senate will vote on whether to confirm Xavier Becerra to lead the Department of Health and Human Services. Make no mistake, Mr. Becerra is the wrong person for the job! ...

July 27, 2020

Dr. James Dobson Blasts U.S. Supreme Court Ruling That Denies Religious Freedom

July 27, 2020 — Do casinos have more freedom than churches? Five members of the U.S. Supreme Court apparently think they do! On Friday, the Court's liberal bloc ruled against religious freedom, ...

June 16, 2020

Dr. James Dobson Decries the Supreme Court's Ruling that Redefines "Sex" Under Title VII

June 15, 2020 — In an outrageous ruling that should shake America's collective conscience to its core, the U.S. Supreme Court has redefined the meaning of "sex" under Title VII of the Civil Rights ...

February 05, 2020

Dr. James Dobson Urges Americans to Put Aside Partisanship and Celebrate Successes

February 5, 2020 — The following quote may be attributed to Dr. James Dobson, President of the James Dobson Family Institute, regarding President Donald Trump's State of the Union address: "President ...

February 04, 2020

Dr. James Dobson Urges Parents to Stop 'the Super Bowl Shoulder Shrug' and Protect Children from 'Adopt[ing] an Unhealthy and Dishonoring View of Women and Sexuality'

February 4, 2020 — The following quote may be attributed to Dr. James Dobson, President of the James Dobson Family Institute, regarding the hypersexualized Super Bowl: "On Sunday, Fox Sports and the ...

January 16, 2020

Dr. James Dobson Celebrates Action by the Trump Administration to Return Prayer to Public Schools

January 16, 2020 — The following quote may be attributed to Dr. James Dobson, president of the James Dobson Family Institute, regarding Thursday's announcement pertaining to the Trump ...

January 16, 2020

Dr. James Dobson Applauds Trump Administration for Protecting this Nation's First Liberty

January 16, 2020 — The following quote may be attributed to Dr. James Dobson, president of the James Dobson Family Institute, regarding Thursday's proposed rules and guidance documents issued from ...

December 04, 2019

Dobson Condemns Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf's "Evil" Endorsement of Eugenics Against Those with Down Syndrome

December 4, 2019 — I've long thought that Roe v. Wade was perhaps the greatest evil ever endorsed by the U.S. Supreme Court. While it is no longer surprising, it is horrific that some of our ...