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Homeschooling Today - Part 1

Guest: Jay and Heidi St. John

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Homeschooling Today - Part 1

Guest: Jay and Heidi St. John

Quiet Times for Busy Parents

Guest: Shirley Dobson

Let the Buyer Beware - Part 2

Guest: Dave Ramsey


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October 19, 2021

President Biden Wants You To Pay For Abortions

It's been a poorly kept secret that President Joe Biden wants to force Americans to fund abortions. Now, press secretary Jen Psaki has confirmed it. During a recent press conference, a reporter asked ...

October 19, 2021

Parents: Protect Your Children From the Media's Influence

What kids watch, they learn. So what they watch matters. Prominent Christian researcher George Barna recently offered tips for parents that will help combat the harmful influence of the media. "The ...

October 18, 2021

U.S. Supreme Court Will Soon Hear Landmark Abortion Case

Just weeks from now, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear a case that determines the future of Roe v. Wade in America. Start praying now! The case, Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, involves ...

October 14, 2021

Abortion Stops a Beating Heart

People care about beating hearts. Perhaps that’s why pro-abortion activists such as Professor Carrie Baker feel compelled to lie about the heartbeats of the unborn. Professor Baker recently wrote an ...

October 12, 2021

Who Is In Charge of Your Children's Education?

In 1923, the U.S. Supreme Court held that "it is the natural duty of the parent to give his children education suitable to their station in life." The high court has also acknowledged that a child is ...

October 11, 2021

Prominent Medical Journal Apologies for Dehumanizing Women

On the cover of its September 25 edition, British medical journal The Lancet labeled women "bodies with vaginas." The apology wasn't much better than the headline. Lancet's front cover read: ...

October 09, 2021

Killing Our Most Vulnerable

A world that can seek to justify the horror of abortion will not hesitate to excuse almost any depraved behavior. Human life is either sacred, or it isn't. Consider recent events in the Netherlands, ...

October 08, 2021

Parents Need to Stand Against Pornography in Schools

Social media is certainly not without its downside. But, in the fight against sexually explicit content, social media might be inadvertently encouraging parents to stand up and speak out. Our friends ...