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Be Strong and Courageous: Let’s Get to the Polls, Part 1

Guest: Pastor Gary Hamrick


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November 10, 2021

Gender Identity: Schools' Big Secret

If your child is struggling academically in school, chances are you'll be notified. But if your child is struggling with his or her God-given gender? Don't count on it. The latest school district to ...

November 09, 2021

Biden Administration May Institute a "Marriage Penalty"

You can't have a strong nation without strong marriages and families. Unfortunately, recent actions by the Biden administration may deal another blow to the institution of marriage. As CNBC reports, ...

November 08, 2021

School Board Boots Parent Who Reads from Sexually Explicit Book Found in the High School Library

Public schools are increasingly under fire for exposing students to sexually explicit materials. If recent events are any indication, some school officials don't seem to mind exposing kids to smut ...

November 05, 2021

It's a "Mom-Led Revolution"

The National School Boards Association (NSBA) compared parents to domestic terrorists and only apologized after a nationwide outcry. The group Moms for America said the apology isn't enough, and now ...

November 04, 2021

Sexual Assault In Public Schools

Scott Smith's daughter was assaulted in the girls' restroom at her school … by a male student. When Scott demanded that school officials call the police—they did. But on him! Here's Tony Perkins, ...

November 04, 2021

Department of State Proudly Denies Biological Reality

The Biden administration has issued "the first U.S. passport with an X gender marker." In other words, the U.S. Department of State is now willingly denying scientific reality in order to further the ...

November 03, 2021

Fighting for Prayer at the U.S. Supreme Court

A high school football coach in Washington state was fired for expressing his faith by saying a prayer on the field after football games. Earlier this year, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld ...

November 02, 2021

17 States Tell the Biden Administration and Justice Department to Back Off

It turns out parents don't appreciate being labeled "domestic terrorists" for expressing concern about radical policies being advanced in public schools. And states across the country are supporting ...