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Colleges in Chaos: The Consequences of Abandoning Truth, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Everett Piper


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September 27, 2021

America's Foundational Documents Labeled "Harmful"

Warning labels are often helpful for parents, letting them know if music, books, movies or other media contain content that is inappropriate. But what should you do when the government is putting ...

September 26, 2021

Oregon Teacher Removes American Flag From Her Classroom

Calling the American flag a representation of "violence and menace and intolerance," an English teacher from Portland, Oregon, has removed it from her classroom. Is it time to remove that teacher ...

September 24, 2021

The Far Left Says Patriotism Is Evil

After the tragic events of 9/11, patriotism in this country was palpable. Now…it's partisan. Since September 11, 2001, American patriotism has steadily declined, particularly among individuals who ...

July 29, 2021

Can Families Save America?

Families are the key to saving America. So says Terry Schilling, president of American Principles Project, and the driving force behind its new initiative, "The Big Family." Schilling believes there ...

July 13, 2021

The Majority of Americans Say U.S. is the Greatest Country…Democrats Object

Nearly 70 percent of Americans are "extremely" or "very" proud to be an American, according to a Gallup poll. It's safe to assume that Democrats are bringing that number down. A survey from Rasmussen ...

May 04, 2021

Dr. James Dobson Calls on Americans to Participate in the National Day of Prayer

May 4, 2021 — This Thursday, the citizens of America will participate in the 70th annual National Day of Prayer, and I can't recall a time in recent history when our country was in more desperate ...

April 05, 2021

The Unprecedented Production of the COVID-19 Vaccines Due to Operation Warp Speed and the Use of Aborted Fetal Cell Lines

April 5, 2021 — Operation Warp Speed has resulted in the unprecedented development of vaccines to the COVID-19 virus at a speed never seen before, and we are making dramatic progress in the fight ...

June 05, 2020

Dr. James Dobson Points To Some Encouraging News For Our Hurting Nation

June 5, 2020 — As our nation continues to stagger under the weight of George Floyd's tragic murder, the related riots, the continuing blows from the coronavirus, and the economic fallout, anger, and ...