Policy | Family Talk

State Rebellion Against Title IX Fiasco

Written by Gary Bauer | May 06, 2024
The Biden administration's new Title IX regulations were applauded by the LGBTQ movement, but opposition to them is growing across the country.

Title IX is a landmark 1972 law that bans sex discrimination in any school that receives federal funding. Feminists were excited when it passed, but the Biden administration has now injected radical gender theory into the law.

The new regulations signed off on by the Biden White House define a woman as anyone genetically born female and also any man who "identifies" as a woman. The law meant to protect girls and women will now be employed as a battering ram to threaten women's achievements, their places of privacy, and their safety. This is unacceptable.

In recent years, dozens of states have passed laws to protect women from trans ideology. The new Title IX regulations "gut" those protections. At least four of those states—Florida, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and South Carolina—have told their school districts to ignore the federal regulations and follow state laws instead. JDFI applauds these states and urges others to join them.

We agree with South Carolina School Superintendent Ellen Weaver who said the Biden regulations, "would rescind 50 years of progress and equality of opportunity by putting girls and women at a disadvantage in the educational arena."

Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida made it clear that his state, "will not comply." Florida Commissioner of Education Manny Diaz Jr., denounced the new regulations which would require, among other things, that biological boys who "identified" as girls be allowed to use girls' bathrooms and locker rooms. Commissioner Diaz said the regulations were "[gaslighting] the country into believing that biological sex no longer has any meaning."

JDFI looks forward to the inevitable lawsuits these ill-conceived regulations will spark. We hope and pray the federal courts will restore protections for women and girls that the Biden regulations now have put at risk.