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Colleges in Chaos: The Consequences of Abandoning Truth, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Everett Piper


March 18, 2024

Pro-Life Terrorists?

The attempt to demonize and criminalize normal pro-life, pro-family groups and viewpoints continues to expand in the United States.

Students for Life of America is considering legal action after they discovered they were listed in a terrorism database by the University of Maryland.

The University's National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism has created a database titled, "Profiles of Individual Radicalization in the United States." One section of the terrorism database highlights "group or movement affiliations." Students for Life of America spokesperson, Kristi Hamrick, told the Christian Post, "This is an attempt to smear the reputations of peaceful students who use their free speech right to advocate for mothers and their children, born and preborn. It is a highly offensive and highly suspect organization that can't tell the difference between students with signs and actual terrorists threatening violence."

It is noteworthy that the database, which claims to be a compilation of groups and individuals who have been "arrested for committing an ideologically-motivated crime," does not mention the militant pro-abortion group Jane's Revenge. Multiple pregnancy care centers as well as the offices of pro-life members of Congress have been the target of vandals who spray-painted the tag, "Janes Revenge." College chapters of Students for Life have also been threatened and assaulted during their pro-life activities on multiple campuses.

There is now an emerging "industry" in America of left-wing groups whose sole purpose is to label and defame Christian, pro-life, pro-family, and patriotic groups. The Family Research Council has been labeled a "hate group" by the Southern Poverty Law Center, as has Moms for Liberty, best known for their work to defend parental rights and prevent the sexualization of young children.

This defamation of groups that promote the Christian worldview is part of a larger project to silence any dissent or opposition to the radical anti-family, anti-life agenda.

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