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Homeschooling Today - Part 1

Guest: Jay and Heidi St. John

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Homeschooling Today - Part 1

Guest: Jay and Heidi St. John

Quiet Times for Busy Parents

Guest: Shirley Dobson

Let the Buyer Beware - Part 2

Guest: Dave Ramsey


The Latest

April 17, 2020

Dr. Dobson Calls for Support of Governor Little in His Effort to Prohibit Boys From Competing in Girls' Sports

April 17, 2020 — Idaho recently passed a commonsense law preventing boys from participating in girls' sports, and I commend them for taking this necessary action. Yet the ACLU believes otherwise and ...

March 31, 2020

Dr. Dobson Condemns Planned Parenthood's "Business as Usual" During this Crisis

March 31, 2020 — As I shared last week, governors in multiple states are issuing executive orders to halt "elective surgeries"—including abortion procedures—during this pandemic crisis. Rightly so, ...

March 26, 2020

Dr. Dobson Applauds Governors Greg Abbott and Mike DeWine for Halting Abortions in the Midst of the Pandemic, Calls on Other Governors to Follow Suit

March 26, 2020 — The following quote may be attributed to Dr. James Dobson, President of the James Dobson Family Institute, regarding the need to stop elective abortions and focus instead on saving ...

February 27, 2020

Dr. Dobson Urges Americans to Respond to This Heinous Atrocity and Take a Stand for Life

February 27, 2020 — "In October and November of 2019, the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate unanimously passed legislation making animal cruelty a federal crime. Yet incredulously, this ...

February 13, 2020

Dr. James Dobson Condemns "Abhorrent Decision" by Colorado Legislature to Vote Down a Bill Protecting Surviving Victims of Abortion

February 13, 2020 — The following quote may be attributed to Dr. James Dobson, President of the James Dobson Family Institute, regarding a Colorado legislative committee’s decision to vote down a ...

February 05, 2020

Dr. James Dobson Urges Americans to Put Aside Partisanship and Celebrate Successes

February 5, 2020 — The following quote may be attributed to Dr. James Dobson, President of the James Dobson Family Institute, regarding President Donald Trump's State of the Union address: "President ...

February 04, 2020

Dr. James Dobson Urges Parents to Stop 'the Super Bowl Shoulder Shrug' and Protect Children from 'Adopt[ing] an Unhealthy and Dishonoring View of Women and Sexuality'

February 4, 2020 — The following quote may be attributed to Dr. James Dobson, President of the James Dobson Family Institute, regarding the hypersexualized Super Bowl: "On Sunday, Fox Sports and the ...

January 30, 2020

Dr. James Dobson Asks Why Fox Sports Says “Yes” to Drag Queens and “No” to Abortion Survivors

January 30, 2020 — The following quote may be attributed to Dr. James Dobson, President of the James Dobson Family Institute, regarding the apparent decision of Fox Sports to run ads featuring drag ...