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Latest Broadcast

Colleges in Chaos: The Consequences of Abandoning Truth, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Everett Piper


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April 06, 2021

South Dakota Takes A Stand For Life

Today in the United States, nearly 70% of babies with Down syndrome are aborted. Many expectant mothers who receive a Down syndrome diagnosis are pressured to have an abortion. Some are urged to do ...

April 05, 2021

The Unprecedented Production of the COVID-19 Vaccines Due to Operation Warp Speed and the Use of Aborted Fetal Cell Lines

April 5, 2021 — Operation Warp Speed has resulted in the unprecedented development of vaccines to the COVID-19 virus at a speed never seen before, and we are making dramatic progress in the fight ...

March 30, 2021

Can We Put an End to the Madness?

Finally, some of our representatives are listening! Congressional Republicans have introduced two bills to ban gender reassignment surgeries for minors, and to prevent taxpayers from being forced to ...

March 30, 2021

White House Establishes "Gender Policy Council" to Promote Abortion and LGBTQ Ideology

Through yet another executive order, President Joe Biden has created a "White House Gender Policy Council," allowing his administration to mandate the embrace of LGBTQ ideology throughout the federal ...

March 30, 2021

California Takes Aim at Conservative Beliefs

New legislation in California lays the groundwork for the radical left to expel men and women with conservative beliefs from the police force. With a cleverly worded title, the California Law ...

March 30, 2021

Pushback Against the Misnamed "Equality Act" Continues

Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives voted to advance the so-called "Equality Act" to the U.S. Senate. But absent the radical step of abolishing the filibuster—which President Joe Biden has ...

March 26, 2021

President Biden offers lies, threats, and disunity in first press conference

March 26, 2021 — President Joe Biden gave his first press conference yesterday. “Press conference” is an inadequate description of what took place, which was nearly an hour of misrepresentations and ...

March 16, 2021

Dr. James Dobson Urges Senators to Vote "No" on Xavier Becerra

March 16, 2021 — Tomorrow, the Senate will vote on whether to confirm Xavier Becerra to lead the Department of Health and Human Services. Make no mistake, Mr. Becerra is the wrong person for the job! ...