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Latest Broadcast

Women and Friendships, Part 1

Guest: Dee Brestin


The Latest

May 04, 2021

Connecticut Legislature Defeats Suicide Bill

For the ninth year in a row, the Connecticut legislature has said "No" to an assisted suicide bill. Like its evil cousin abortion, euthanasia targets the most vulnerable among us. The so-called ...

May 04, 2021

Montana Stands Up for Religious Freedom, Even As "Woke" Corporations Oppose It

The Montana legislature has passed a state version of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which prevents state agencies from interfering with the peaceful exercise of faith absent a "compelling ...

May 04, 2021

Dr. James Dobson Calls on Americans to Participate in the National Day of Prayer

May 4, 2021 — This Thursday, the citizens of America will participate in the 70th annual National Day of Prayer, and I can't recall a time in recent history when our country was in more desperate ...

April 29, 2021

The Biden Administration's Horrid Record Against Life, Family, and Religious Freedom

The Democratic Party has made no secret of its desire to abolish the nuclear family, expand abortion access worldwide, and strip away vital religious freedom protections. During the early days of his ...

April 29, 2021

Democrats Ashamedly Refusing to Vote on Legislation to Protect Children Born Alive After Attempted Abortions

Nearly two years ago, the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate unanimously passed legislation making animal cruelty a federal crime. Yet, for years, Democrats have refused to even vote on ...

April 28, 2021

"Court Packing": The Next Attempt by Democrats to Transform America

Democrats in the House and Senate have introduced legislation to expand the U.S. Supreme Court from 9 to 13 seats. This brazen attack on the judiciary—known as court-packing—is as illegitimate as it ...

April 27, 2021

Republicans Take A Courageous Stand For Life

Last week we told you that the Biden administration wants to give millions of dollars to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). As reported by LifeNews.com, President Trump defunded UNFPA, in ...

April 27, 2021

Abortion is Based on a Lie

As Dr. James Dobson has written previously, "Abortion has always required the acceptance of a lie." The most foundational lie is that the unborn boy or girl is a "clump of cells," rather than a child ...