Critical Race Theory is dangerous! But some proponents claim it is nothing more than an effort to teach "honest history." They're wrong. As reported by The Daily Signal, the National Education ...
Critical Race Theory is dangerous! But some proponents claim it is nothing more than an effort to teach "honest history." They're wrong. As reported by The Daily Signal, the National Education ...
Families are the key to saving America. So says Terry Schilling, president of American Principles Project, and the driving force behind its new initiative, "The Big Family." Schilling believes there ...
If you're paying attention, you know that there is a war going on for the souls of your children. But one Seattle mother says the way to win the battle is to go on the offensive. Conservative ...
Abortion activists are demanding that television shows and movies show more abortions. Why? According to, the abortion lobby is determined to convince Americans that the barbaric ...
A middle school teacher in Massachusetts was alarmed about sexually-explicit books in the school library, so she expressed her concerns in a letter to the Superintendent. The district refused to take ...
Some states are using COVID-19 relief funds to advance programs such as Critical Race Theory (CRT) in public schools. Utah Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) condemned this development as "bad for America," ...
Pastor and broadcaster Erwin Lutzer claims that he sees "the Church submitting to the culture." The answer, Lutzer says, is for Christians to lead the way. "What people must understand is that we're ...
If a child claims to be transgender, "parents should lose veto power over most transition-related pediatric care." That's the incredible argument made by Arizona State University assistant professor ...