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Women and Friendships, Part 2

Guest: Dee Brestin

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March 02, 2023

Voters Rejecting Trans Insanity

Here's some good news. In spite of non-stop media propaganda, American voters want to protect children from so-called "gender-affirming" surgeries and drugs. According to a Rasmussen poll, 58% of ...

March 01, 2023

Florida Law Protecting Kids

In 2022, the Florida legislature, at the urging of Governor Ron DeSantis, passed a law requiring public schools to remove material, including books, that are pornographic, violent, or not ...

February 28, 2023

President Biden Loses Children

Remember all the wailing and gnashing of teeth on the left when the Trump Administration allegedly "lost" 6,000 migrant children? Well, tragically the current Administration has lost exponentially ...

February 24, 2023

Throwing Jesus a Life Raft

Here's an update on a story we reported earlier this month. On January 10th, a radical secular group, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), demanded the removal of a painting of Jesus at ...

February 24, 2023

A Red Flag For America

In the early hours of Monday morning, a woman got out of her vehicle and set fire to a gay pride flag hanging outside a restaurant in Manhattan's SoHo neighborhood. The flag was inscribed with the ...

February 20, 2023

Is Abortion Really A “Choice”?

A disturbing new study just released by the Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) found that 61% of women who undergo abortions do so because of pressure from "male partners, family members, other ...

February 17, 2023

Trans Scandal In St. Louis

JDFI has warned repeatedly that the growth of so-called "gender-affirming medical care" for children suffering from gender dysphoria is irreparably harming those children. In the years ahead, we ...

February 17, 2023

FBI Targets Orthodox Catholics

The attack on religious liberty, and Christians in particular, has just crossed another dangerous line. The FBI's Richmond, Virginia, division produced an intelligence report claiming that "white ...