American Jewish students must be wondering if some warped time machine has transported them from modern America back to pre-war Germany. In 1930's Germany, as Nazism began to infect the populace, ...
American Jewish students must be wondering if some warped time machine has transported them from modern America back to pre-war Germany. In 1930's Germany, as Nazism began to infect the populace, ...
Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider, has found another profit center. Not content with making money only by destroying innocent life in the womb, the organization has ...
The Biden administration hopes the abortion issue will lead to his re-election in November. Women voters may want to think twice, however. Late last Friday, the administration declared war on women ...
As we have repeatedly warned, there is a deliberate effort to intimidate, shame, smear, and even threaten conservative Christians out of the political and public policy arena. It is understandable ...
"For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem's sake, I will not remain quiet." -Isaiah 62:1 We thank God that the April 13th missile and drone attack on Israel, by the Islamic Republic of ...
Kudos to a bipartisan group of U.S. senators who have introduced Senate Resolution 569 to reiterate that religious freedom is a core human right and should be a top priority of U.S. foreign policy. ...
Everything about the transgender ideology is anti-science as well as being anti-God. The Lord created mankind to be men and women. Science confirms that genetically there are two genders—male and ...
This past week, the wicked practice of abortion took center stage in the news as former President Donald Trump and the Catholic Church delivered statements addressing this most controversial and ...