Policy | Family Talk

Our Bodies, Our Sports

Written by Gary Bauer | July 12, 2024

Women’s sports in the United States are under siege from proponents of radical transgender ideology. Men and boys “identifying” as women and girls are stealing honors and awards meant for actual females in athletic competitions.

Several years ago, JDFI sounded the alarm over this assault on women. Two years ago, courageous female athletes and their allies formed the coalition Our Bodies, Our Sports “to defend women’s sports and the integrity of the female sporting category.”   

The alliance has launched a nationwide bus tour featuring former All-American swimmer Riley Gaines. She has been courageous in her efforts to safeguard young women from men’s unfair competition. The tour’s theme, “Take Back Title IX,” references the law passed in 1972 that guarantees women cannot be discriminated against in any education program or activity.

Sadly, this past spring, Biden’s Department of Education released regulations that completely distorted the purpose and spirit of Title IX by allowing “trans females” (men) to compete against true women. 

Our Bodies, Our Sports chose Scranton, Pennsylvania, Joe Biden’s hometown, for the tour’s May 29 launch. The tour will crisscross the country to rally and educate parents, teachers, legislators, and other citizens about this egregious attack by President Biden and the LGBTQ lobby on girls’ and women’s sports. Public opinion is moving in the direction of protecting American women.  

JDFI stands with Our Bodies, Our Sports. We commend Riley Gaines for her bravery despite efforts to silence and threaten her. 

1. “Our Bodies, Our Sports: Keep Women’s Sports Female Rally,” Our Bodies, Our Sports: Keep Women’s Sports FEMALE, accessed July 9, 2024, Web.