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A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

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A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 1

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

Being a Smart Stepmom, Part 3

Guest: Laura Petherbridge


March 17, 2023

No Christians Allowed?

Is it conceivable that Christians could be banned from teaching in public schools? Some radical secularists have advocated for it. Now, a school board in Arizona has gone a step further.

The Washington Elementary School District, serving students in the Phoenix area, just cancelled a contract the district had with Arizona Christian University (ACU). The contract made it possible for ACU's student teachers to be placed in local schools for "field experience."

There were no complaints from parents or students about the arrangement, which has been in place for five years. Then some school board members read ACU's website where they found a mission statement that said the university is "committed to Jesus Christ — accomplishing His will and advancing His kingdom on earth as in heaven." The university also stated that it believed in "the centrality of family …traditional sexual morality and lifelong marriage between one man and one woman."

That simple statement of biblical belief was too much for the three members of the board who identify as LGBTQ+. The effort to cancel the contract was led by board member Tamillia Valenzuela, who describes herself as "a bilingual, disabled, neurodivergent Queer Black Latina." She attends board meetings wearing cat ears. Another board member attacked Arizona Christian University for "teaching with a biblical lens."

ACU has now filed a lawsuit represented by the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF). The lawsuit asserts: "This civil rights action seeks to protect a Christian university and its students' fundamental rights to religious exercise and speech, and to be free from unlawful governmental discrimination simply because of their religious status and beliefs … Despite there being zero complaints about an Arizona Christian student teacher or alumnus, the School District decided to terminate its relationship with Arizona Christian and its students solely because of their religious status and beliefs on biblical marriage and sexuality."

If history is any guide, what started in this school district will not stay in that school district. This outrage is a perfect example of what Dr. James Dobson and our team has argued for years. Someone's values win. America once universally welcomed morally upright men and women to teach in our public schools. Today, there is increasing hostility to Christian teachers and acceptance of radical teachers who are exposing children to inappropriate LGBTQ propaganda.

This is a good time to remember the importance of voting, going to school board meetings and taking every initiative you can to save your children and grandchildren.

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