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February 12, 2025

Musk War on Corruption

Musk War on Corruption


Donald Trump’s boldness in his second term continues to astonish the country. We are particularly gratified that he is rolling back transgender ideology and has promoted multiple pro-life initiatives. Both are JDFI priorities. The most comprehensive challenge he has confronted is the massive corruption in the federal government, where millions of employees spend trillions of our tax dollars every year. 

This anti-corruption effort should be applauded by all Americans, Christians in particular. The Bible speaks clearly against government corruption. Deuteronomy 16:18-19 tells us, “You shall appoint judges and officers in all your towns . . . and they shall judge the people with righteous judgment. You shall not pervert justice. You shall not show partiality, and you shall not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and subverts the cause of the righteous” (ESV). Proverbs 29:2 states, “When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.”

The screams coming from the Washington bureaucracy and the media make one think the big controversy is that President Trump hired Elon Musk to go into federal agencies and examine their “books.” But that isn’t really what is stoking the outrage. Billionaire George Soros and his minions were in every government agency for all four years of the Biden regime. The media and progressives in Congress didn’t care because he was promoting the left-wing dogma they supported. Records show that Soros’s son, Alex—who now runs the Soros “portfolio,” which is completely globalist, anti-Israel, and committed to DEI—visited the Biden White House at least twenty-five times. 

The leftist “blogosphere” is in total meltdown because Elon Musk and his team have discovered corruption in three significant areas.

1. The first scandal is obvious: unelected civil servants/bureaucrats have been doing everything possible to help liberal presidents and whatever is within their power to undermine conservative presidents—the exact opposite of being a civil servant. 

A discovery this week indicates that someone at the FBI leaked details of an immigration enforcement raid scheduled to arrest gang members in Los Angeles. The individual leaked information to the media so that the search would fail. This incident isn’t an exception. The Washington Post glowingly reported on anonymous civil servants who bragged they are doing everything they can to stop the Trump-Vance agenda. This is a clear example of an attack on our democracy—unelected bureaucrats sabotaging the very ones in America that the country as a whole has voted for and elected.

2. The second scandal is plain old financial corruption. Billions of dollars have been distributed to all sorts of special interests, foreign governments, and corrupt nongovernmental organizations, all in the name of “defending democracy” or “helping the poor.” In fact, there is evidence that much of the money was not doing any such things. One recent report said billions of dollars have gone to individuals with no Social Security numbers. That seems odd and deserves further investigation.  

Trump’s Musk team just found that FEMA has spent even more—$59 million—to house undocumented migrants in luxury New York City hotels. Meanwhile, American citizens displaced by fires in Los Angeles and hurricanes in North Carolina are still living in makeshift shelters. Many of our fellow citizens in North Carolina have only received $750 to help recover from that disaster.

3. The third uncovered scandal is that government agencies are using your tax money to push LGBTQ ideology, transgender nonsense, and abortion onto countries receiving US foreign aid around the world. The same thing is happening right here in the United States. Evidence demonstrates that your tax money here and abroad has been promoting the poisonous DEI doctrine, including the impact it has had at every level of our schools.

To be clear, these funds are not being used to enforce civil rights. The laws that resulted from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s civil rights movement are intact, and every agency has a department that prevents discrimination. We support those efforts. DEI is something else entirely. It stands for “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” and it actually promotes racism. This system of thought teaches white children that they are all oppressors and tells minority children that they are all oppressed. Consequently, DEI indoctrination hurts children of all races and fuels racial division. 

For decades, politicians of both parties have run on this platform: “Elect me, and I will go to Washington to fight corruption”—a promise seldom kept. Now, we have an administration that is seriously fighting corruption, utilizing one of the most brilliant businessmen in America with the assistance of his team. Those benefitting from the corruption are doing all they can to stop the reform and frighten the American public. 

In recent weeks, senators and representatives have pounded on the doors of the Department of Education, the Department of the Treasury, and the offices at USAID, demanding permission to enter. Their purpose is never made clear. When they have been denied entry, the media have portrayed them as heroes. 

Here’s an interesting thought experiment: Imagine the most conservative members of Congress marching to the Department of Education and demanding the right to enter and wander through the building. The news stories would say, “Right-wing extremists tried to go into the Department of Education to hurt programs impacting America’s children.” Funny how that works, isn’t it?

Every American should be cheering the Trump administration’s attack on all forms of corruption—financial, ideological, and bureaucratic. The battle is going to be brutal. Corrupt judges are joining the fight against the president’s efforts to clean up Washington. JDFI stands with the Trump administration in this historic effort to eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer dollars and to shrink the size of the federal government.


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