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A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

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Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

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Guest: Laura Petherbridge


July 24, 2023

Library Follies

What happened to America's public libraries? They universally used to be safe, non-ideological places where we could do research and find a good book. Librarians were helpful, cheerful and kept their politics to themselves. Some libraries and librarians are still like that today. But an increasing number of them have, like so much in America, been "weaponized" in the Left's war on faith, family and freedom.

For example, what explains the sudden embrace by public librarians of inviting "drag queens," men garishly dressed as women, to conduct reading hours of questionable books for young children? Do such readings have some unknown benefit for children? Or are they intended to normalize the abnormal sexual proclivities of the men, while lowering the inhibitions of children?

Kirk Cameron has gone to libraries that have hosted drag queen story hours and asked for equal time to read his children's book series, which is based on biblical values. Initially, the left-wing libraries rejected his requests. So, he threatened to sue. Now, they are grudgingly opening their doors.

Part of the problem is the American Library Association (ALA). Each year it has drifted further and further left. How far left? The Montana State Library Commission recently voted to sever all ties with the ALA because it said the ALA is now "led by a Marxist." The Montana State Library Commission wasn't exaggerating.

Emily Drabinski was elected president of the ALA last year. Following her election, she tweeted, "I just cannot believe that a Marxist lesbian who believes that collective power . . . can be wielded for a better world is president-elect of ALA."

She sees libraries as central elements in the class struggle against the "maldistribution of wealth," and has vowed that her public voice will be "on labor's side" and "socialist in tone."

Is your state library association part of the ALA? Are your state and local tax dollars supporting Marxist indoctrination at your local library?

Kirk Cameron has a wonderful idea for the date of August 5th that he is calling, "See You at the Library." On the website, bravebooks.us, Kirk outlines the simple steps you can take to request the use of the local library for you to sponsor a reading hour to teach children faith, hope and love.

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