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The Fight for Female, Part 1

Guest: Lisa Bevere

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May 24, 2023

Let’s Go Moms!

We hope all of America's moms had a fantastic, blessed Mother's Day. Dr. James Dobson and JDFI love and appreciate moms and the central role they play in God's creation.

There's some good news to report on the cultural front in how we think about being a mother. More than half of Americans, 56% according to a recent Rasmussen Reports poll, say that motherhood is the "most important role for a woman to fill in today's world," up from 52% in 2018.

That figure includes 68% of Republicans, 55% of Independents, and 47% of Democrats who believe mothering is the "most important role."

But the news is not all good when it comes to valuing motherhood. Powerful groups such as Planned Parenthood continue to work relentlessly to convince women it is "good" to end the lives of their pre-born children. Young women are taught that they cannot be all they want to be without the right to abort.

Powerful forces around the country, including in the federal government, are doing everything they can to stop mothers and fathers from having any real authority over what their children are taught in government schools about love, sex, and marriage.

Also, this year there was an aggressive effort by trans radicals to "erase" mothers by claiming that men who think they are women (trans women) can be mothers, too. That is a lie, of course, but a lie that is being continually repeated. We can say with certainty that every mother who has given birth is a woman! Don't let the trans radicals "cancel" mothers!

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