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Colleges in Chaos: The Consequences of Abandoning Truth, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Everett Piper


May 10, 2024

Is One Day of Prayer Just Too Much?

Every day's screaming headlines of crime, corruption and hatred remind us of the desperate need for America to turn back to God and pray for His mercy and protection. But according to the Washington Post, which is the most influential and powerful media outlet in our nation's capital, prayer is the problem.

Just a few days before the National Day of Prayer annual event, the Post provided a platform on its coveted editorial page for a contributing columnist to attack the very idea of designating one day a year to prayer.

The author, Kate Cohen, is a perfect example of the radical secularist, neo-Marxist spirit that has captured so many American elitists and intends to transform our country into a godless nation.

Ms. Cohen leaves no doubt that she wants God gone from the public square and, by extension, she wants Christians out of the square, too. Along with the National Day of Prayer, she lists all the other dangers to the Republic, including the National Prayer Breakfast, "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance, and, "In God We Trust" as the U.S. motto on our currency.

Cohen bemoans that some people may see these observances of America's reliance on God by our founders and throughout our history as merely, "An unflattering feature of American culture—like shopping malls—not one of its fatal flaws, like gun violence."

Just so there is no doubt of Cohen's radicalism, as well as the extremism of those trying to marginalize Christianity and Christians in America, she lists the other "offenses" that endanger our Republic. They include school choice programs that include religious schools, every regulation of abortion "based on a conservative Christian understanding of life," and, "every court ruling that cites God."

The radical secular forces in America will ultimately have to erase 90% of American history and sandblast the walls of monuments and buildings all over Washington, D.C., where the words are etched that make it clear that our liberty comes not from "Caesar" nor Ms. Cohen, but from God.

There is a reason the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence, which defines the central truth of the American Republic more clearly than any of our founding documents, has faded from the rhetoric of the political left. These words are an affront to the godless society they want to build, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., built the entire civil rights movement on those words. He would not be welcomed in today's progressive, socialist left unless he was willing to ditch his Christian faith.

JDFI will continue to devote every ounce of strength we have to restoring America as "One Nation Under God." Our prayer is that the American Church will wake up in time to defeat the neo-Marxist revolution that threatens America.

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