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Colleges in Chaos: The Consequences of Abandoning Truth, Part 1

Guest: Dr. Everett Piper

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December 18, 2024

Happy Christmas!

Happy Christmas!

A significant exchange of words occurred a few days ago between First Lady Jill Biden and a young American child.

Children were at the White House on the occasion of the Marine Corps Reserve’s Toys for Tots campaign.

Mrs. Biden greeted the children with a shout of “Happy Holidays!” One courageous child loudly responded, “Happy Christmas!”

God bless that child. Her enthusiastic rejoinder was a reminder to the first lady that Jesus is the “reason for the season.” The exchange took just a brief moment, but, for the last four years, the Biden/Harris administration has been hostile to Christian expressions of faith in the public square and at war with religious liberty.

President Biden routinely left God out of his Thanksgiving proclamations. Every president since George Washington (other than President Obama in 2016) has thanked God for his blessings. In December 2022, during his Christmas address at the White House, Biden left out the words “Jesus” and “Christ.”

Biden administration officials, including Vice President Harris, repeatedly claimed that aborting innocent unborn babies made in the image of God was utterly consistent with biblical teachings.

That is a sickening attempt to hijack the Gospel of life and twist it into a gospel of death. The Declaration of Independence, one of our founding documents, famously declared that our liberty comes from God and then states life as the first “unalienable right.”

Biden’s only appointment to the Supreme Court has regularly displayed hostility to our constitutionally guaranteed freedom of religion. Fortunately, there is a solid majority on the court, including the three appointments made by Donald Trump in his first term, to safeguard our “first liberty,” the freedom of religion.

Biden’s leftist bureaucrats in multiple agencies have aggressively attempted to force Christian businesses and ministries to promote abortion and radical transgender ideology. JDFI and an association of Christian employers have filed a lawsuit, challenging Biden regulations that would force us to violate our religious convictions about the sanctity of human life and human sexuality. We are prepared to take the case to the Supreme Court if necessary.

Notre Dame Cathedral is one of the most iconic symbols of European Christian history. A major fire in 2019 destroyed the interior of the cathedral, which recently reopened after a massive, five-year restoration project. The ceremony was attended by many Western government leaders. Sadly, Joe Biden was so disinterested that he didn’t even bother to attend, sending Jill Biden instead.

President Biden has demonized Americans who love Jesus and also love our country by calling us “dangerous Christian nationalists.” There is increasing hostility to loving God and country that originates from influential globalist secularists here and around the world. But since the earliest days of our republic, most Americans have loved God and loved our country. And that small child at the White House reminded the secularists that we are still here.

Here’s the good news this Christmas season. The incoming Trump/Vance administration has nominated many Christians to key government positions. The president-elect is committed to preserving religious liberty and appointing judges who will follow our Constitution. Better days are ahead!

Merry Christmas, everyone! Christ is King!

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