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A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

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A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 1

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

Being a Smart Stepmom, Part 3

Guest: Laura Petherbridge


February 16, 2024

Follow the Money

A popular theme in the media is that devout Christians who love Jesus and love America are a danger to our "democracy." A new book by Tim Alberta, The Kingdom, The Power and the Glory, promotes the smear that evangelicals are engaged in political idolatry. Don't be deceived by the critics. What upsets them are Christians who are pro-life, pro-God's institution of marriage, and who resist big government and radical secularism. They are perfectly okay with Christians who promote the Left's agenda.

A recent example is a group called The After Party, which offers a video-based curriculum for faith-based institutions, including churches and Christians schools. The "brains" behind the group are former pastor Curtis Chang, David French, a New York Times columnist, and Russell Moore, the editor of Christianity Today.

All three men were deeply troubled that Christians voted overwhelmingly in 2016 and 2020 for candidates who believed in making America Great Again. But all three have also been partisan themselves—for the Left.

We are grateful to Megan Basham, who has investigated the funding for The After Party and published her disturbing results in First Things. She discovered that Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors announced in 2022 that The After Party would receive funding as part of $10 million being donated to counter "divisive forces."

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors has given millions of dollars in recent years to promote abortion, trans ideology and LGBTQ causes generally. Now, suddenly, they have an interest in Bible studies?

The After Party, according to the investigative article, also has a group called the One America Movement as a partner. That group has received over $2 million from powerful left-wing foundations that promote abortion and open borders.

What about the three founders of The After Party—Curtis Chang, David French and Russell Moore? Chang has blamed Christians for the January 6 riot on Capitol Hill. French and Moore have stirred constant controversy by attacking conservative Christians involved in the political process while they pursue their own "progressive" version of political involvement.

JDFI hopes evangelical institutions will not be fooled by The After Party curriculum. America is at a "tipping point." Powerful forces want to rip our nation out of the rich soil of Judeo-Christian civilization. Left-wing foundations are funding that effort—the same foundations that have signed onto The After Party. That tells you everything you need to know. You can read the full investigative report here.

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