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A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

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A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 1

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

Being a Smart Stepmom, Part 3

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February 27, 2025

Faith in the Administration

Faith in the Administration


The Trump-Vance administration has taken another significant step by establishing a “Task Force to Eradicate Anti-Christian Bias.” Attorney General Pam Bondi was appointed to lead this team. Their goal is to “immediately halt all forms of anti-Christian targeting and discrimination within the federal government.”1

We have talked with President Trump about the project. He is serious about this undertaking and expects results. He also wants the attorney general to aggressively prosecute acts of vandalism and violence against Christians. We are grateful for his commitment.

Also encouraging is President Trump’s appointments of earnest, faithful Christians to many key administration posts, including his cabinet. Having followers of Jesus Christ at the highest level of our government is essential for America’s future.

We want you to know more about the following high-level appointees and how meaningful their Christian faith is to them.

Let’s start with Vice President Vance who said this in a recent interview:

I believe the fundamental tenet of the Christian faith. It’s not just a set of good moral principles, though it is that. I think the fundamental tenet of our faith is that the Son of God became man, He died, and then He raised Himself from the dead . . . And I think so, so much flows from that.

We put our faith in God above. We put our faith in the grace of God. And we try the best to do His will, and we don’t worry so much about whether we’re going to have earthly rewards. We worry about whether we’re doing right by God Almighty above.2

Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth went through a very difficult confirmation battle. During his hearing, he made this “confession” of faith:

As Jenny [his wife] and I pray together every morning, all glory, regardless of the outcome, belongs to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. His grace and mercy abounds each day. May His will be done . . .

I’m not a perfect person, as has been acknowledged, saved by the grace of God, by Jesus and Jenny . . . but redemption is real.3

The head of our State Department is former Senator Marco Rubio. He has fought against Christian persecution throughout his entire government career. On the day he was sworn in, Secretary Rubio said:

I want to end by thanking Almighty God and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. That is truly the singular purpose of our lives. It’s the most important priority. It’s the only thing that will matter when we take our last breath on this Earth. But this is an extraordinary opportunity that would not have been possible without God’s blessings.4

Many other Christians have been appointed by President Trump to crucial positions. I’ll close with excerpts from the incredible testimony recently shared by Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Scott Turner, a former pastor:

All along the way . . . I believe the Lord was preparing me . . . I believe that from before the womb of my mother that He was preparing me for this moment, for this day, for such a time as this.

Scripture says that the government rests on the Lord’s shoulders. Hope in America does not depend on a man. Our hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ and it is Him . . . who anoints. It is the Lord who appoints men and women to serve and to carry out His mission of bringing hope to the world . . . All glory goes to the Lord, and I thank Him for this opportunity to make a generational impact and to give a voice to all forgotten Americans.5

We should be encouraged that so many Christians are in these vital roles. JDFI has developed strong relationships with all of them. We ask you to join with us in thanking God for these public servants and asking Him to give them wisdom in the months ahead.






1. Diana Glebova, “Trump says AG Bondi will target ‘anti-Christian bias’ in federal government,” New York Post, February 6, 2025, https://nypost.com/2025/02/06/us-news/trump-says-ag-bondi-will-target-anti-christian-bias-in-federal-government/

2. Forbes Breaking News, “Vance Explains How Christianity Plays a Role In His Work As Vice President: ‘Put Our Faith in God’,” February 23, 2025, YouTube, 2:40, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15HGczFierw

3. “Transcripts,” CNN Newsroom: Pete Hegseth Confirmation Hearing; Protesters Interrupts Hegseth Confirmation Hearing; Hegseth Says, U.S. Can No Longer Count on Reputational Deterrence, We Need Real Deterrence. Aired 10-10:30a ET, January 14, 2025, https://transcripts.cnn.com/show/cnr/date/2025-01-14/segment/25

4. U.S. Department of State, “Secretary Marco Rubio Remarks at His Swearing-In,” January 21, 2025, https://www.state.gov/secretary-marco-rubio-remarks-at-his-swearing-in/

5. Forbes Breaking News, “’I Believe The Lord Was Preparing Me’: HUD Secretary Scott Turner Discusses His Faith,” February 22, 2025, YouTube, 13:49, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COfl3WE6Ono


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