Policy | Family Talk

Evaluating the Party Platforms (Guiding Principles That Compel Policies)

Written by Gary Bauer | July 11, 2024
The James Dobson Family Institute (JDFI) believes that every human life is made in the image of God, and therefore, from conception through natural death, life must be protected. We pray that all children will someday be welcomed into the world, safeguarded by the laws of the United States. JDFI will continue to do all we can to influence culture and support legislation to protect every woman and child from the abortion industry and give all children a chance at life.

We have read the 2024 GOP platform, a statement of principles. We're disappointed that the previous language regarding the sanctity of life was removed. But, we are thankful that the Republican Party remains devoted to a pro-life stance and is also committed to parental rights and protecting women and children from the radical transgender ideology being pushed by the current democratic administration's policies and party platform.

As the world further drifts away from God and His principles, we must steadfastly hold on to His eternal grace and truth. We should also commit to living out and sharing these principles as we endeavor to reach as many people as possible with the good news of Jesus Christ.

During this critical upcoming election and beyond, we implore you to join us in praying, sharing, and voting in a manner that uplifts our nation's founding values of faith, family, and freedom.