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The Fight for Female, Part 1

Guest: Lisa Bevere

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March 16, 2021

Dr. James Dobson Urges Senators to Vote "No" on Xavier Becerra

March 16, 2021 — Tomorrow, the Senate will vote on whether to confirm Xavier Becerra to lead the Department of Health and Human Services. Make no mistake, Mr. Becerra is the wrong person for the job!

If you are unfamiliar with Becerra's background and his support for radical leftist ideologies, allow me to provide some historical context. One need only look at his work in California as the Attorney General to discern that a Becerra-led HHS will work swiftly to advance the legalization of abortion through all stages of development (and force you and me to pay for the murder of innocent children through taxpayer dollars), compel medical professionals to participate in horrific procedures that violate their consciences, and require churches and religious organizations to provide insurance coverage for abortifacients. And why not? After all, in California, Becerra tried to force pro-life pregnancy centers to advertise abortions, voted (as a California congressman) against a ban on partial-birth abortions, and filed felony charges against pro-life advocates who exposed Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted baby tissue and organs. It is sickening to think this man could oversee health and human services for the entire nation.

Do you remember when Joe Biden pledged to be a president for all Americans? What a monumental lie! This is another flagrant example of President Biden's radical Left and pro-death agenda—one that destroys life, compels citizens of a free nation to violate their consciences, and devalues women and girls. Such actions are not only contrary to Truth, but also contrary to freedom. It's up to us to hold him accountable and let our voices be heard. Contact your senators immediately, remind them of who they represent, instruct them to vote "no" on Xavier Becerra, and stand with us for life, liberty, and religious freedom! 

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