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The Fight for Female, Part 1

Guest: Lisa Bevere

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September 14, 2021

Dr. James Dobson Tells Congress to Refuse the Push to Draft Our Daughters

Perhaps you thought things cannot get any worse for our sweet land of liberty. Well, think again. America may soon be forcing our daughters, wives, and mothers to engage in mortal combat. Led by Democratic senators and a handful of Republicans, the Senate Armed Services Committee voted this past July to require women to register for the U.S. military draft. This abhorrent legislation — tucked away in the corners of a defense policy bill — defies common sense. How utterly absurd and shameful is an ideology that positions women to fight our wars! Not only is it morally despicable, it flies in the face of empirical data. You be the judge.


"(Studies) from the Marine Corps demonstrates that injury rates in combat roles are significantly higher for women over men. The Ground Combat Element Integrated Task Force found that musculoskeletal injuries were twice as high for women; and research conducted at the Infantry Training Battalion demonstrated an injury rate for enlisted women six times higher than the rate for men.

"Additionally, the physical fitness required for combat roles are only achievable for a small percentage of women. Data from [the] Army's gender-neutral Combat Fitness Test show a fail rate ranging between 65% to 85% for women, compared to 10% to 30% for men." 1

There are several senators taking a strong stand against this absurd effort of wokness gone amuck, but not nearly enough. We should applaud the moral fortitude of senators Lee (R-UT), Lankford (R-OK), Daines (RMT), Wicker (R-MS), Hawley (R-MO, and Rubio (R-FL), who have introduced the "Don't Draft Our Daughters" resolution.

"Forcing our daughters into the draft creates a burdensome and disproportionately increased risk of injury and fatalities for our nation's women, as readiness data shows," said Sen. Lee. "This policy change is rushed and unnecessary in our current time of peace, and unduly harms women more than advancing any notion of equality. While American women should be empowered to serve in our Armed Forces, they should not be forced to fight." 2 

My good friend, Elaine Donnelly, founder and president of the Center for Military Readiness, has been leading the fight against this madness for years. Along with many esteemed colleagues, she penned the following plea to Congress in an open letter.

"If Congress truly respects women, it will not allow the military to be co-opted into a broader ideological project, which includes destroying all distinctions between being male and female, regardless of the well-being of the men and women who serve or of society at large.

"We ask you to strike the Reed "Draft Our Daughters" amendment in the Senate NDAA for 2022 and oppose any House or Senate legislation that would have the same effect. There is no place in our military for social/political agendas that undermine critical objectives of national defense." 3 

I wholeheartedly echo her outcry! We must not allow America to further denigrate the inherited God-given biology of men and women and place our wives and daughters in harm's way. At the same time, if we allow our women to be treated as men and drafted into combat roles, we will put countless men and women at grave risk, and ultimately our country. A war-hero of epic proportion, General Robert Barrow, the 27th Commandant of the Marine Corps, stated the following:

"I know about my service. If you persist and push this down (women) into the combat area, it would destroy the Marine Corps. Simple as that. Something no enemy has been able to do in over 200 years."

For the sake of our daughters and our country, we cannot allow this reckless bill to pass. Please contact your representatives today and tell them "NO" when it comes to drafting our daughters and compromising America's military readiness.

Here is a breakdown of how the Republican senators voted in committee. Please remember to thank the ones who were brave enough to protect our daughters by voting against this measure.


Voted against drafting women Voted in favor drafting women
Tom Cotton (R-AR) Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)
Josh Hawley (R-MO)  Kevin Cramer (R-ND)
James Inhofe (R-OK) Deb Fischer (R-NE)
Mike Rounds (R-SD)  Joni Ernst (R-IA)
Roger Wicker (R-MS) Rick Scott (R-FL)
  Dan Sullivan (R-AK)
  Thom Tillis (R-NC)
  Tommy Tuberville (R-AL)


1. https://www.lee.senate.gov/2021/8/sen-lee-colleagues-introduce-don-t-draft-our-daughters-resolution

2. https://www.lee.senate.gov/2021/8/sen-lee-colleagues-introduce-don-t-draft-our-daughters-resolution

3. https://www.politico.com/f/?id=0000017b-9d1e-ddb6-a3fb-fd1e92940000

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