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A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

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A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 1

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

Being a Smart Stepmom, Part 3

Guest: Laura Petherbridge


May 14, 2018

Dr. James Dobson Issues Statement Applauding Opening of US Embassy in Jerusalem

"I am proud to be a citizen of a country that has chosen courage over timidity...formally recognizing what is plainly obvious to so many — that Jerusalem is both the modern and ancient seat of government and the eternal capital of the nation of Israel."
– James Dobson, Ph.D.

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. May 14, 2018 — Dr. James Dobson issues the following statement:

"Today, we celebrate a truly momentous and historic event that has taken place in Israel, as the U.S. formally moves its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Indeed, the prospect of peace has never been possible without this cornerstone set firmly in place. On this, the 70th anniversary of the creation of the modern nation state of Israel, one cannot help but see the striking historical parallels shared with the biblical account of the Children of Israel, who were taken into Babylonian captivity by King Nebuchadnezzar and released after 70 years by Cyrus the Great, king of Persia. (2 Chr. 36:22-23, Ezra 1:1-4)

"I am proud to be a citizen of a country that has chosen courage over timidity, standing with Israel and her people by formally recognizing what is plainly obvious to so many — that Jerusalem is both the modern and ancient seat of government and the eternal capital of the nation of Israel. We pray for peace throughout the Holy Land as well as for the well-being of all her neighbors. We pray also that history would one day record this moment as the beginning of a new era of tranquility and prosperity for the entire Middle East."

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