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The Fight for Female, Part 1

Guest: Lisa Bevere

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May 06, 2019

Dr. James Dobson Applauds President Trump's New 'Conscience Rule' Protecting the Religious Values of Healthcare Workers and Others

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — On Thursday, May 2, 2019, at a White House Rose Garden ceremony honoring the 67th-annual National Day of Prayer, President Trump unveiled a new conscience protection rule issued by the Department of Health and Human Services. The new rule allows for both individuals and groups to object and thereby abstain from participating in such procedures as abortion and assisted suicide on moral and religious grounds. 

Dr. Dobson issues the following statement in reaction to the new rule: 

"The National Day of Prayer is a day that unites Americans around not only the power of prayer, but the presence of God's providential hand upon our nation. It's also a day to remember that our rights and liberties are not created by human beings or institutions, but endowed by our Creator. The President's 'conscience rule' helps preserve these natural laws enshrined in our Constitution by empowering people of faith to make healthcare decisions regarding such issues as abortion, parental rights and assisted suicide that are in keeping with our most deeply held convictions. 

"It is not hyperbole to say America has gone from the most pro-abortion president in American history, Barack Obama, to the most boldly pro-life president in Donald Trump. As a ministry that has faced head-on the tyrannies of the Affordable Care Act, we risked penalties so severe they would have closed our doors for good had we lost our case. The President's announcement was truly remarkable. We thank God for this new executive order and we echo the words of Congressman Doug Lamborn, Co-Chairman of the Values Action Team Caucus, when he said he is 'proud that doctors and nurses of faith who seek to save lives will never again be forced to end them.' This past Thursday, the 67th National Day of Prayer, we can truly say our petitions were heard and our prayers have been answered." 

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