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Let the Buyer Beware - Part 2

Guest: Dave Ramsey

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Let the Buyer Beware - Part 2

Guest: Dave Ramsey

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May 29, 2024

Defending Normalcy

Something strange happened recently. The winner of a girls' track meet in Oregon was booed by the crowd. When I read about this incident, initially I thought, "Wow. That's an odd way for parents and spectators to react at a high school girls' sporting event."

But it turns out there was a reason for the intense negative reaction. The "winner" of this girls' track meet was a boy.

We teach our children not to boo at sporting events because it's unsportsmanlike and often a sign of bad character. But the bad character here is a boy who knows he has all the advantages of being a boy, but insists he has a "right" to compete against girls. He knows he is cheating. He knows he is stealing a well-deserved achievement from a girl.

But this boy is not alone. Other bad characters here are the powerful forces who want the girls, their parents, and their coaches to sit down and shut up. This is the new reality the radical left is attempting to create: If you don't go along with this obvious unfairness and discrimination against girls, you are a bigot.

JDFI feels strongly about this issue. It is not a minor issue or a "made-up issue." It is likely the biggest example of just how off the rails our society has gone.

In a nation founded on the Judeo-Christian worldview, anyone promoting the insane idea that boys can be girls would have been laughed out of the room less than a decade ago.

While so-called "progressives" seemingly struggle with the concepts, the vast majority of Americans understand that there is reality and there is right and wrong. The reality is that boys are boys and girls are girls. It is wrong to allow mediocre male athletes to cheat in sporting events by competing against girls.

Most Americans also know that our country is headed in the wrong direction. At least two-thirds of Americans have been telling pollsters that for the majority of the past two years.

This issue is a big reason why so many Americans believe we are headed in the wrong direction. They are seeing this confusion over basic biology being forced on their children and wondering, "When did this happen? Why is this happening?" It is a major reason why so many Americans now say, "I no longer recognize my country."

Thankfully, more and more people are taking action to defend normalcy and their children. They are organizing in their communities and holding elected officials accountable. They are taking back local school boards and public libraries.

In this critical decision year for America, we must redouble our efforts to be engaged and informed Christian citizens. There is much more on the ballot this year than just economic and foreign policy. Yes, those issues are important. But normalcy itself is being radically redefined in ways that threaten the freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and the safety of our families, especially our wives and daughters.

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