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Colleges in Chaos: The Consequences of Abandoning Truth, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Everett Piper


June 16, 2021

Critical Race Theory Critiqued by Daddy-Daughter Duo

"Critical Race Theory" (CRT) has increasingly taken up residence in our children's classrooms, our government institutions, and corporate America, where it has largely been presented unchallenged and unfiltered.

But in the real world, Americans are pushing back on this new version of identity-based Marxism, and perhaps none so compellingly as this daddy-daughter duo.

FoxNews reports on the viral video featuring Kory Yeshua and his daughter, Royalty. Kory explained his reason for speaking out against the "racially charged academic movement."

"I've just seen a lot of things going on in America right now, going on in the world. I see the agenda being pushed on our children and they're trying to teach our children to look at each other, not from who they are as a person, but for their skin color. I just decided I wanted to get out there and show the world what I teach my daughter and the values that I instill in her about the content of her character and not the color of her skin."

We are fearfully and wonderfully made by our Creator, and our nation is based on the understanding that all men are created equal. Any ideology to the contrary is not only inconsistent with the American ideal, but also with biblical truth.

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