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Women and Friendships, Part 2

Guest: Dee Brestin

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May 10, 2023

Censoring The Founding Documents

It isn't difficult to find evidence that America's colleges and universities are hotbeds of far-left extremism. Here's the latest example: more than 670 professors at the University of North Carolina just signed a letter protesting a bill being debated in the state legislature.

What is so radical about this legislation that hundreds of professors are up in arms about it? The law would require college students to learn about America's founding documents.

These professors, some of whom are Marxists, are trying to prevent college students from learning about the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and even the writings of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Meanwhile, there is a concerted attempt by the Left to demonize moms and dads who want to keep disgusting sexual and anti-American material away from the hearts and minds of our children.

And which group are the media most upset about?

They're siding with the radical teachers' unions and lashing out at parents, not the leftist professors who are censoring the very documents that give the media freedom of the press.

American education, from elementary schools all the way to the universities, needs major reform and an end to the far-left indoctrination. If you are a parent with school-aged youth, it is imperative that you are engaged in the educational process of your sons and daughters—at every level of schooling. There is an aggressive agenda to pervert the hearts and minds of your kids, and you must continue to let your voices be heard, and JDFI will stand with you!

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