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Finding True Forgiveness, Part 1

Guest: Dr. R.T. Kendall

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October 31, 2021

Can Christians be Forced to Pay for Gender "Transition" Surgeries?

The Biden administration has reinterpreted the meaning of "sex" in federal law and claims that unlawful "sex discrimination" in the workplace includes gender identity and sexual orientation.

This unilateral change could require Christian employers to fund "gender transition surgeries, procedures, and treatments." 

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) has filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Christian Employers Alliance (CEA). The suit alleges that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) "reinterpretation of 'sex' in federal law," could force "religious healthcare providers to physically perform or facilitate gender transition surgeries and procedures, contrary to their deeply held beliefs."

ADF Senior Counsel Matt Bowman explains:

"By misinterpreting and improperly enforcing federal law, President Biden has far overreached his constitutional authority, to the detriment of people of faith across the country. The government cannot force Christian employers to pay for, or physically perform, harmful medical procedures that contradict their religious beliefs. The Constitution protects religious healthcare providers and employers and allows them to go about their work in a manner compatible with their deeply held convictions and faith."

In July of 2020, Dr. James Dobson warned of the difficult days facing our nation after the U.S. Supreme Court redefined the word "sex." Here is an excerpt from his statement at that time:

"Just days after this ruling, I interviewed Martin Nussbaum, a prolific religious freedom attorney who also serves as our general counsel at JDFI. Martin stated that the Court's erroneous decision 'will haunt us for years to come.' He further described the potential ramifications of this ruling, including lawsuits against faith-based organizations; restrictions on the freedom of Christian-owned businesses; requirements that employers cover so-called 'gender transition' surgeries or other procedures that violate their sincerely held beliefs; the abolishment of sex-specific bathrooms, locker rooms, and similar sex-specific facilities; the erosion of equal opportunities for women in sports and education, as men demand the right to participate as women; and so much more. Accordingly, and as Justice Kavanaugh noted in his dissent, 'the implications of this Court's usurpation of the legislative process will likely reverberate in unpredictable ways for years to come.'"

What can we do? Let's return to Dr. Dobson's words:

"[O]ur calling as Christians remains clear. And like [Dietrich] Bonhoeffer, we must face this horrid storm of immorality and discord head on. This is the time for action and placing our total trust in our Sovereign God. We must be ever vigilant to share the gospel and pray for God's mercy over our lives. We must stand together for righteousness and make our voices heard in the public square. We must exercise our right to vote in the upcoming elections."

Midterm elections are just 12 months away. Your voice matters, and so does your vote.

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