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Biden's War on Women

Written by Gary Bauer | April 23, 2024
The Biden administration hopes the abortion issue will lead to his re-election in November. Women voters may want to think twice, however. Late last Friday, the administration declared war on women by distorting and destroying Title IX, a landmark 1972 law that bans sex discrimination in any school that receives federal funding. Title IX guarantees equal treatment for women in every aspect of education from the classroom to sports. Feminists hailed its passage 52 years ago, but the law may have a fatal omission that the Biden administration just drove a truckload of "wokeness" through: It didn't define what a woman is.

In fairness to the authors and supporters of Title IX, no one in 1972 could have possibly imagined a time in America when very well-educated and often powerful people were either afraid or simply unwilling to define "woman." But that is where we are in 2024, the age of trans mania.

The new regulations signed off on by the Biden White House define woman as anyone genetically born female and also any man who "identifies" as a woman. The law meant to protect girls and women will now be employed as a battering ram to threaten women's achievements, their places of privacy and their safety.

Riley Gaines, a former NCAA champion swimmer, has led a national effort to protect women's sports from men who claim they are women. She called the rewrite of Title IX regulations an "abomination," adding it will lead to: "It's equating sex to gender identity, which means men would live in dorm rooms with women … men would have full access to bathrooms, changing areas, locker rooms …men could join sororities … In this new rewrite, it's actually sexual harassment if you misgender a trans-identified individual. It's sexual harassment if you're in a dorm room and you're a woman and you feel uncomfortable sharing this room [with a male] and you complain and ask to be moved — you're guilty of sexual harassment."

Betsy DeVos, the former secretary of Education in the Trump administration, agrees. She said, "The Biden administration's radical rewrite of Title IX guts the half-century of protections and opportunities for women and callously replaces them with radical gender theory…"

We shouldn't miss the bigger implication either. The cultural and political Left in America is attacking everything and anything traditional and normal. Representative Virginia Foxx (R-NC), the chairwoman of the House Education Committee, said they are engaged in a "contemptuous culture war that aims to radically redefine sex and gender."

Under the new regulations, it is very likely that local school districts would be guilty of discrimination if they tried to prevent boys from using girls' locker rooms, showers, and bathrooms. This isn't an exaggeration. Multiple schools have already been embroiled in controversy when girls complained that boys wearing dresses have gone into girls' bathrooms. States have been passing laws to prevent this dangerous and outrageous situation, but the new regulations mean those schools could now become the targets of the full power of the Biden Justice Department.

The new regulations go into effect on August 1, just as schools will start to reopen after their summer break. Court battles will be frequent as we try to protect our daughters and granddaughters. The only guaranteed solution could come on November 5, 2024, as millions of Americans cast our votes.