Policy | Family Talk

Biden’s Pronoun Police

Written by Gary Bauer | April 30, 2024
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) just issued new guidelines mandating that employers use so-called "preferred pronouns" and allow employees to use whatever bathroom they feel like based on their "gender identity."

So, if you tell a male employee to get out of the women's bathroom, you're guilty of sexual harassment and discrimination. Do they have nothing better to do?

America's struggling entrepreneurs have bigger concerns right now, like rampant crime and inflation, than employee pronouns. However, these new guidelines are an obvious threat to the religious liberty of Christian business owners.

This is just one more example of how the radical left is at war with normalcy. Not satisfied with having redefined marriage, they are now redefining reality. They intend to make us accept the lie that men can get "pregnant." They intend to make us lie by calling a man "she."

If they can do that—if they can force you to accept that 2 + 2 = 5—then they can do anything.

JDFI will continue to fight these outrageous attacks on God's natural order. In the meantime, we urge you to contact your elected representatives at 202-224-3121 and demand that they take action to block these absurd EEOC guidelines.