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Toxic Empathy: How Progressives Exploit Christian Compassion, Part 2

Guest: Allie Beth Stuckey


July 23, 2024

Biden’s Evolving Trans Position

As JDFI has been reporting, the Biden/Harris administration has aggressively pushed the radical transgender ideology in schools and on Christian parents. The Biden Justice Department has fought against states trying to protect children from deforming surgeries and sterilizing chemicals. They were all in on the entire transgender agenda.

There was just one problem: the resistance of the American people.

Unlike the so-called "progressive left," most Americans know there are only two genders—male and female. Most Americans are not deceived when Planned Parenthood insists men can get pregnant. A nearly eighty-percent majority of Americans really do not like it when boys pretending to be girls steal awards from female athletes. And Americans overwhelmingly agree that children should be protected from mutilating surgeries. The Biden administration, however, has other ideas.

It was recently discovered that Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel (formerly Richard) Levine, leaned on the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) to drop any age limits for children to get transgender surgeries. WPATH was going to recommend that minors must be at least fifteen in order to get transgender surgeries. But because of the pressure from the Biden administration and Levin, they dropped age limits entirely.

When that story broke, the Biden White House went into damage-control mode. They know we are winning the argument for common sense, morality, and the laws of nature. So they hastily put out a statement saying, "These are deeply personal decisions and we believe these surgeries should be limited to adults."

As you might imagine, the LGBTQ movement erupted, but they did so privately. Knowing the Biden administration is their ally, they quietly demanded the White House return to its position in favor of mutilating children.

On July 8, Neera Tanden, the director of Biden's Domestic Policy Council (called the Office of Policy Development when I led it in the Reagan administration), responded to the Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest LGBTQ lobbying organization. Tanden wrote:

"We continue to fight state and national bans on gender-affirming care, which represents a continuum of care. . . Gender-affirming surgeries are typically reserved for adults, and we believe they should be. . . Above all, families should have the freedom to make the medical decisions that they and their doctors determine are best for them—which is why we oppose attempts to limit healthcare for transgender individuals in the courts or through legislation."

After attempting to placate the majority of Americans by stating surgeries should be reserved for adults, Tanden negated that sentiment in favor of giving families and individuals the "freedom" to do what's best for them. "Families" implies children, and "individuals" includes children. But just in case her hints were too subtle, Tanden added that the Biden administration "will continue to oppose attempts to ban or restrict body-mutilating surgeries for trans-identifying individuals in the courts and at the legislative level."

JDFI continues to do everything we can to protect children and families from the Left's transgender insanity.

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