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A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

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A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 2

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

A Christian Response to Homosexuality, Part 1

Guest: Dr. Christopher Yuan, Angela Yuan, and Leon Yuan

Being a Smart Stepmom, Part 3

Guest: Laura Petherbridge


March 20, 2023

Biden Budget Disaster

JDFI does not usually weigh in on the, sometimes, arcane budget battles in Washington, D.C. But we cannot ignore the budget proposal just unveiled by the Biden administration. From economic policy to social policy impacting faith, family and freedom, the budget is a disaster.

Biden's budget includes, what even the pro-Biden Washington Post called, "unprecedented tax hikes" of five trillion dollars. The administration claims taxes have to be increased because our national debt is growing. But the same budget does not decrease the national debt — it increases it by another $20 trillion over the next 10 years. That means President Biden is proposing major tax hikes and major new spending. In fact, the budget is 40% bigger than the last budget before COVID! All of this new debt will be left to our children and grandchildren to deal with. That amounts to an immoral generational transfer that will destroy their economic hopes and dreams.

Under the budget, big government grows even bigger and more powerful, while everything else, including economic growth, will get smaller. One of JDFI's priorities is stopping America's drift away from free enterprise and toward the "dead hand of smothering big government socialism." This budget takes that disturbing trend and puts it on steroids. The IRS alone will get 86,000 new agents!

The priorities in the budget are also distorted. In a computer analysis of its 184 pages, the police are only mentioned four times, during a time when America is experiencing a nationwide crime wave. Unbelievably, words like "transgender" (8 times), "intersex" (7 times) and the offensive slur "queer" (7 times) are all used more often, reflecting the Biden administration's commitment to pushing the radical "52 genders" woke agenda.

How about our veterans? The budget includes $137.9 million for the Department of Veteran Affairs, but bizarrely sets part of the money aside for "providing gender-affirming care to the nation's veterans," including sex change operations. At a time when homelessness impacts many veterans, are sex change operations really a top priority?

Of course, the budget does have its "fans." One of the most powerful supporters is Planned Parenthood, the nation's top abortion provider. Biden calls for providing them another $1.2 billion of your hard-earned tax dollars for their "vital" work of abortion on demand. This budget will be and should be "dead on arrival." America can do a lot better.

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