Policy | Family Talk

Best Female "Jeopardy!" Winner is Actually a Man

Written by Dobson Policy Center | January 10, 2022

"Jeopardy!" contestant Amy Schneider has now topped $1 million in winnings, making her "the highest-earning woman in the show's history."

There's just one problem. Schneider is not a woman.

Conservative commentators quickly blasted the designation, pointing out the obvious: the transgender agenda hurts women.

"… NBC attempts to convince Americans that a glass ceiling has been shattered but in fact, has built another one—to the great detriment of biological women everywhere," tweets Ms. Perry. "We know when we're being lied to."
  - Sarah Parshall Perry, Heritage Foundation

"NY Times would never push out a story like this except it's a white man who is crushing it as a woman."
  - Erick Erickson

Whether men are masquerading as women in athletics, in business, or on game shows, the result is the same: biological women are marginalized and removed.

It's wrong and it needs to stop.

Men and women are different. We should celebrate the unique contributions of both, rather than erase their God-given distinctions.

It's time for "Jeopardy!" executives—and all Americans—to acknowledge the simple truth. Women aren't men, and men aren't women.

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