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Homeschooling Today - Part 1

Guest: Jay and Heidi St. John

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Homeschooling Today - Part 1

Guest: Jay and Heidi St. John

Quiet Times for Busy Parents

Guest: Shirley Dobson

Let the Buyer Beware - Part 2

Guest: Dave Ramsey


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Gary Bauer

September 16, 2022

Respect for Marriage Act — Really?

In July, the House of Representatives passed a bill misnamed the Respect for Marriage Act. The legislation repeals the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) which had asserted the traditional ...

September 16, 2022

California Goes Nuts

Should minor children be allowed to take life-changing puberty-blocking hormones or receive surgeries to remove healthy organs in an effort to "treat" their gender confusion? Most people would say ...

September 15, 2022

Blood Money In Congress

Planned Parenthood, the biggest abortion provider in America, makes a lot of "blood money" from destroying innocent pre-born children in the womb. This year they plan on spending $50 million to help ...

September 07, 2022

Americans Must Vote For Freedom This Election Season

Labor Day weekend is behind us, marking the end of summer. Traditionally, in election years like this one, Labor Day also marks the unofficial beginning of the campaign season. We will soon be ...

September 02, 2022

Growing Conspiracy Against Crisis Pregnancy Centers

Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPCs) provide healthcare services and baby clothes, food, toys, and moral support in a loving atmosphere to pregnant women. CPCs sound pretty good to most people but not to ...

August 30, 2022

Help Us Stop Department of Education's Radical Gender Ideology

There is a growing backlash against the transgender ideology being pushed on innocent young children. Multiple states have passed or are considering legislation to get this radical ideology out of ...

August 29, 2022

Christians Must Act Now to Preserve America’s Future Liberty

The American experiment in "ordered liberty" under God is facing multiple serious challenges. Our founders built our country on biblical truths, including the idea that only a virtuous people can ...

August 25, 2022

The War On Women and Babies

We celebrate the fact that the pro-life movement is winning legislative and legal victories in state after state. But, sadly, under cover of darkness, cowardly pro-abortion arsonists and vandals ...